Mark 10:17-31 It is theoretically possible, I suppose, to live a ‘flawless’ life and still miss the point of it all. Or to think one has, as seems to be the case in the conversation that plays out between Jesus and the one who catches up with him here at this point in Mark’s Gospel. …
Tag: Mark 10:17-31
The Rich Man and Jesus… and Me
Mark 10:17-31 It was decades ago by now when I picked up the phone to talk to a friend who was also a pastor. We were on the edge of the year of Matthew in preaching and I hadn’t spent much time with Matthew in Seminary. For that matter, I only had one commentary on my …
On Recovering Perfectionists and the Rich Man
Mark 10:17-31 My 7th grade home economics teacher called me a perfectionist. I don’t remember the occasion for this critique — and believe me, it was precisely that, for there was no kindness in her tone. I do remember being surprised, for I wondered then what could possibly be wrong with striving for perfection. And …