John 11:32-44 It’s the ending we all hope for, isn’t it? You and I who stood at gravesides some four days or four months or four years after the dirt has filled in the gaping wound in the ground before us and grass has grown up over it — only covering up the hurt — but not …
Month: October 2012
“Messiest Pastor Ever…”
John 8:31-36 To be sure, I am not one who can speak deeply from a personal experience of ‘slavery’ — for it is not part of my own history. But then, as Jesus points out to his first listeners today, that sort of experience is not what he is speaking of at all. Rather, the …
Jesus’ Call to Servant-hood
Mark 10:35-45 “So Jesus called them and said to them, ‘You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant,and whoever wishes …
Mark 10:17-31 I am remembering today a conversation I had with my dad a long time ago. I was probably in college — home working for the summer. We were out in the garden late on a summer afternoon where he could have been leaning on a pitchfork digging up potatoes or loading tomatoes or squash …