John 14:15-21 I took my car in to get the oil changed a couple of days ago. Things were a little slow at 8 a.m. on a Friday morning and Alex, the man who checked me in, was full of stories which he was eager to share. It was clear that this one in particular is one he …
Tag: John
In My Father’s House…
John 14:1-14 “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places…” John 14:2 A few years ago I saw an exhibit at the Minnesota History Museum. It was called “Open House: If these Walls could Talk.” It was fascinating to walk through the ‘history’ of one house in St. Paul — to hear about the …
The Gate for the Sheep
Looking for Crocuses
John 11:1-45 I went looking for crocuses the other morning, and I found them, thank God. They were right where they are every spring — perhaps a little later this year than some — but there they were. Although they were looking a little peaked, I have to say — I ‘m thinking this hard winter …
Seeing and Believing
John 9:1-41 It is an amazing story we encounter this week — this one of the man who was born blind who gains his sight. Indeed, as I read it I am tempted to take a number of side trips away from the main point for, in fact, there are many such opportunities. For instance, …
A Story Worth Telling: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well
John 4:5-42 Every story worth telling begins with something being out of place. Every story worth re-telling begins with a conflict. Every story told over and over again is about obstacles overcome — or not. Otherwise there is no story. Think it through with me and you will know this is so. For instance, I …
Nicodemus By Night
John 3:1-17 I saw a little of Nicodemus in myself this week. For you see, it’s the first week of a new session for my early morning workout class. Winter has worn on for us here in Northern Illinois and I have found it more and more difficult to respond immediately to my alarm when …
Come and See
John 1:29-42 I always find it fascinating how memory works — just what it is that can take us back in time in a heartbeat. This was so for me a few days ago. I bent down to pull on my winter boots. They have been especially well used this season between heavy snowfall and frigid …
“And Pitched A Tent Among Us…”
John 1:1-18 There is so much that captures our imaginations in this wonderful poetry found in John’s first chapter. Indeed, one might find oneself reflecting on the similarity of these opening words to that of Genesis 1 where both writers weave poetry about ‘beginnings.’ One could stand still in the marvelous contrast between light and darkness. …
Slavery and Freedom
John 8:31-36 Most of the time I really do understand Jesus’ first listeners today when they proclaim for all the world to hear that they ‘have never been slaves to anyone.’ For even though it may be obvious to anyone else that they are a people who should know what slavery is: As those whose …