
Luke 11:1-13 “Ask and it will be given you…” I had this moment a few months back when I found myself praying for an actual miracle. Now this is not my usual way of praying, not even a little bit. I am more inclined to simply sit quietly. To lift up the needs without directly …

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Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 I am especially struck today by the profound risk Jesus asks his followers to take as he sends them on ahead. For it is risky, isn’t it, this call to step into the world with so little to protect them, to protect us, from the ‘wolves’ which will surely meet us there? …

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Suffering Producing Endurance … Producing Character … Producing Hope Which Does Not Disappoint

Romans 5:1-5 This familiar passage runs contrary to the way the world thinks, doesn’t it? What I mean to say is this. We tend to think of ‘suffering’ (or ‘tribulation,’ as another translation has it) as somehow the opposite of being ‘blessed.’ For who among us has not thought, spoken, prayed or overheard another speaking …

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