Mark 8:27-38 I am doing something new this year. We have just a small group of young people who are ‘affirming their baptism’ this fall: four fourteen year old’s who will stand before our congregation and claim for their own the faith they have been raised in. Or maybe it is better to understand this …
Tag: Pentecost 16B
What to make of Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman?
Mark 7:24-37 First, this: I have struggled with my writing now for like many, I hardly know what to make of the scene we witness in Mark’s Gospel today. What you have here are my first thoughts on a difficult passage. I would welcome your thoughts as well. I know the woman Jesus meets in …
“Who Do You Say That I Am? … Bearing the Cross as Jesus Did”
Mark 8:27-38 As of this writing, I’m not exactly sure where my preaching will take me next week-end. As a result, I am simply offering several starting places. Maybe one of these will work for you as well. It’s September and the Chicago Cubs are still in the race. OK, it’s just the wild card …