Mark 7:24-37 Love drove her. Of course it did — an elemental, primal kind of love of a parent for a child, a mother for a daughter. Love. And, no doubt, lingering memories of a better time. And hope for all that child could be, surely would have been, had not a demon taken possession …
Tag: Pentecost 15B
Orphans and Widows in Their Distress…Seeing the Invisible
Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 James 1:17-27 As a pastor raised in the Lutheran tradition, I long ago learned to be cautious of the letter of James. Perhaps too much so, it seems to me know. Especially as the urging in his letter so perfectly brings home what seems to be the intent of the episode …
A Young Man Named Pablo and the Syrophoenician Woman
Mark 7:24-37 A few days ago I got a window into the utter courage the woman in the story before us now displayed. For I surely saw its opposite. Not that I’m judging that, believe me, I am not. Here is how it was. I spent the last week on a cruise with some of …