Matthew16:21-28 I was leaving the hospital on Friday afternoon. As I walked through the lobby, a long time acquaintance stopped me and told me to be careful out there. “I always am,” I replied, not realizing that her words of caution were more than a general farewell. It seemed that there had been some kind …
Tag: Pentecost 14A
“Putting On The Armor of Light…”
Romans 13:8-14 It is now the moment to wake from sleep. Now. For the day is near. The time of darkness is coming to an end. And it is time to live like this is so. I have always loved both the promise and the inherent urgency of these words. Never mind that Paul’s sense …
“Go and Point Out the Fault When the Two of You Are Alone…”
Matthew 18:15-20 It’s an old story, this one, but one I return to again whenever I hear Jesus’ words of instruction to his disciples now. For it is an example of a time when it happened in a way that his wisdom for us was intended. This is how it was. I was a young …