Luke 9:51-62 Every time this Gospel text rolls around, I find myself annoyed by it for what Jesus has to say today makes no sense to me at all. I mean, truly, what is this business about the dead burying their own dead? And then I remembered… It was the summer before I was to …
On Pigs and Sacrifice and Foreshadowing…
Luke 8:26-39 Now, I do know, of course, that this story is not really about the pigs. Even so? Whenever this Gospel from Luke rolls around, I find myself focusing on them all over again. And yes, I know that most commentators consider this a throw away detail, and perhaps it is. For it is …
Truth That Catches Us
John 16:12-15 “Jesus said, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth…” (John 16:12-13) “The truth is a snare: you cannot have it without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a …
Pentecost: Oh How the Holy Spirit Still Moves
Acts 2:1-21 I am remembering now a time when I discovered how difference in language can be so symbolic of all that can separate us one from another. It has always been so, of course, and it is what makes the Pentecost Story before us now so very wondrous. Now this story goes way back. I was working corn …
A Slave Girl Set Free and the Unity to Which Jesus Calls Us
Acts 16:16-34 John 17:20-26 While certainly the drama in our lesson from Acts peaks once Paul and Silas find themselves in prison, it is what led up to their being beaten, bound and imprisoned that first captures my imagination this week. For I can’t help but wonder what happened to the slave girl who was …
Sabbath Healing
John 5:1-9 I spent some time at the Art Institute in Chicago the other day. It is no secret that it is one of my favorite places in all the world. This is so in spite of the fact that I know very little about art. Even with that, however, I do know just enough …
All Things New
Revelation 21:1-6 I spent a little time in my commentaries this week. I confess, I don’t always, but somehow there was time and space to do so this time through. I thought to spend a little extra time in the second lesson from Revelation, for it is so familiar and so very loved. In particular, …
“No One Will Snatch Them Out of My Hand…”
John 10:22-30 This week our confirmation youth made cookies to give away. It turns out we had more cookie dough than time to bake them so in the end, we only had time to make a delivery to one place. Off we went with two boxes overflowing with fresh, delicious chocolate chip cookies to Fire …
Feeding Sheep
John 21:1-19 This may seem an odd place to start this week, but I cannot help but wonder where Jesus got the bread. Or the fish that were already being grilled on that charcoal fire for that matter. Oh, I suppose it would be nothing at all for one who has just defeated death to …
On Scars and Stories, Doubt and Faith Once More
John 20:19-31 Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia! It has been a busy season and along with many I step into this week after Easter a bit more tired than usual. Indeed, these last days have been full and rich and more than good and in the busyness, I have not yet …