Matthew 4:1-11 There is a great deal that can be said about our Gospel reading this First Sunday in Lent — about this so familiar story which ‘launches’ Lent for us every year in one version or another. Indeed, in many seasons I have gone deep into one or another of the ways Jesus is …
Month: February 2020
“Get Up and Don’t Be Afraid… Revisited”
It has been one of those weeks here in DeKalb. Indeed, the press of ministry this week simply has not allowed me the time to adequately process all these days have held, much less try to tie them to the wonder of the story before us now. It may be that some quiet will be …
God Gives the Growth
1 Corinthians 3:1-9 It is a small moment I offer now. It comes to mind because of this: last Sunday we offered a blessing to a young man as he headed off to serve in the Air Force. He was in 8th grade. We were short an acolyte that Sunday and Logan — no doubt …
You Are the Light of the World…
Isaiah 58:1-12 Matthew 5:13-20 I heard a few days back that we just finished one of the cloudiest Januaries on record here in Northern Illinois. I didn’t need a weather forecaster to tell me that, though. I have sensed it in my very being as the atmosphere seems to weigh us all down as these …